New Student Registration for New Families to Moraga. Parents wishing to register their child for Joaquin Moraga should complete the on-line paperwork.
Cyber regulators deny rumors they approved VPN …:China's cyber regulators have denied they have given a company green light to sell VPN services in the nation, stating it was Cyber regulators deny rumors they approved VPN service Global Times Published: 2021-07-10 15:29:38
Please visit the Moraga School District web-site for more information.
To learn more about our school, please review our Parent Guide to 6/7/8 grades.
达160余款 2021上海车展首发新车汇总 - huanqiu.com:2021-4-20 · 内饰方面,新车中控台的造型设计较为前卫,并采用了一块10英寸的触控屏。全液晶伜表盘的效果较为显著,三辐式方向盘采用平底式设计,并集成了多功能按键。配置方面,野马T80具备一键启动、电子手刹、自动驻车、自动空调及全景天窗等.
- Always pull as far forward as possible for pick and drop off
- Passing is not permittedin the pick-up/drop off lane
- ios网络加速器
- do not enter the bus circle during arrival and dismissal times
- 重庆政务智慧城市移动终端上线 快下载“今日合川”体验-今日 ...:2021-9-10 · 市网信办专职副主任刘晓年(中),合川区委常委、宣传部部长程卫(右),华龙网党委书记、总裁李斌(左)共同启动“今日合川APP”上线。 记者 ...
- arrive a few minutes later (after 2:24) when there will be less traffic
- consider a drop off/pick up location other than the front of school
- 专题2021_百城百县百企调研行 - jschina.com.cn:2021-10-8 · 今年是改革开放40周年。40年伡志成城、砥砺奋进,书写了国家和民族发展的壮丽史诗。本报从今日起开设“百城百县百企调研行”专栏,派出记者深入 ...
- always look ahead, behind and check side mirrors before moving
- do not block crosswalks
View our traffic flow map for pick up and drop off - click HERE
School Year 2025-2021
Board Adopted:
July 24, 2025
Must Call or Email before 9:00a.m.
Attendance Line: (925) 377-4216
Email (must include date & reason for the absence)
The Moraga School District is located in Moraga, California, beyond the Oakland hills and east of San Francisco. Our students consistently score advanced and proficient on California standardized tests while excelling in art, music, technology, physical education and a variety of intermediate school electives. The Moraga School District values the involvement of Moraga parents and families, our PTAs, the Moraga Education Foundation, and local businesses. Together we deliver to our TK-8th grade students a first class education addressing the academic, social and emotional needs of our students to succeed in a diverse global world.
Nondiscrimination Policy: MSD prohibits unlawful discrimination against any protected group as identified under Education Code 200 and 220 and Government Code 11135, and Title IX, including actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental or physical disability, age, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in any District program or activity that received or benefits from state financial assistance, including athletic programs. Complaint information is available at the MSD District Office, 1540 School Street, CA, 94556. For further information, call 925-376-5943